Category Archives: TANGENTS Contents

Bulletins | Current Issue Contents

TANGENTS, the Bulletin of the Boston Clavichord Society, is sent free to Friends of the Boston Clavichord Society. Single copies and back issues ($4 each) can be obtained by writing to The Boston Clavichord Society, P.O. Box 540484, Waltham MA, 02454. Contributions are welcome. Please use the site Contact page to contact the editor, Beverly Woodward.

Contents of the Current Issue  |  Number 47, Fall 2021

•  Performances

•  Performing on the Clavichord in Non-traditional Venues

•  Virtual Recitals in the Age of Pandemic–A Clavichord Perspective

•  Report from Strasbourg

•  An Das Klavier CD Review

» Click here to read the entire issue.