Category Archives: Archived Post

CD for Sale | Rudi Seitz

New Release!

Rudi Seitz, a Boston-area composer, has just released an album of nine canons for clavichord, performed by his collaborator Matthew McConnell.

» The album is available online here.

Friends of the BCS may contact the composer directly to receive a complimentary digital copy of this new clavichord album along with an earlier album of forty-five canons for harpsichord. Please mention “BCS – canons” in the subject line. This offer is valid through October 2019.

Announcement | Museum Exhibition

Museum Exhibition

Voicing the Woods: Jeremy Adams, New England Instrument Maker

Cape Ann Museum,
Gloucester, Massachusetts
October 22, 2016 – February 26,2017

This exhibition includes a one-stop chamber organ, a demonstration organ chest,
a 1995 clavichord and a selection of harpsichords.