Book for Sale | Bavington Book

Bavington Book Available

bavington_bookClavichord Tuning and Maintenance
by Peter Bavington
Published by Keyword Press 2007; ISBN 978-0-9555590-0-6

Second updated edition available from the BCS for $35,
postage included. Orders should be sent to the BCS at P.O. Box 540484, Waltham, MA 02454.  Payment by check or money order.

From the review by Peter Sykes in issue #23 of Tangents:

“Clavichord Tuning and Maintenance is a long-awaited must-have book for every person owning or building a clavichord.  It brings together for the first time a wealth of practical tuning information (with just enough of a theoretical basis to ground the information without complex mathematical explanations), and is richly supplied throughout with drawings, diagrams, and tables explaining everything very clearly.  Written in a friendly, conversational tone, it will go far in encouraging clavichord owners to take care of their instruments rather than to shy away from the possibly onerous duties of tuning and maintenance.”