Announcement | Japan Clavier Society

Japan Clavier Society

It is a great pleasure to announce that after six years of silence the former Japan Clavichord Society gave birth to its new incarnation, the Japan Clavier Society, on the 1st of June, 2013.

The Japan Clavier Society aims to promote productive communication among keyboard performers, builders, composers, and music lovers appreciate the importance of the clavichord throughout the course of music history. Through their activities, they hope to enrich and empower the music scene of the 21st century.

The JCS utilizes the internet as the common tool for communication among registered members. There is no fee to join the society but each member must register with his or her own name. The number of members as of October 9th is 75.

Depending on response and interest, the JCS is considering the inclusion of live concerts.

The founding coordinators of the Japan Clavier Society include Yuichi Sato, Toshihiko Umeoka, Yasushi Takahashi and Tomoko A. Miyamoto. Yuichi builds harpsichords and fortepianos, Toshihiko owns a company that handles maintenance-related matters for keyboard instruments, and Yasushi has a clavichord-building workshop. Tomoko is an organist and clavichord performer and will represent the society for the initial period.

At the moment, the JSC site is in Japanese, but they welcome messages in English. Please forward them to:, c/o Tomoko A. Miyamoto.